Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Yoga Pose) – 16 Important Benefits

What is Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Yoga Pose)

What is the meaning of Viparita Dandasana in Sanskrit?

In Sanskrit, the word viparita means “inverted” and the word danda implies as “staff.”

What does this Yoga Asana symbolize?

  • Viparita Dandasana is believed to symbolize the yogi’s salutation to the divine force.
  • This adaptation with props makes the pose easier to practice, and helps soothe an emotional or restless mind.

How are the hands and feet positioned in Viparita Dandasana?

  • Ideally, the feet, hands, and head rest on the earth in the classic version of this Yoga asana

What are the Benefits of Viparita Dandasana

  1. Viparita Dandasana is the primary yoga asana which Soothes and relaxes the brain
  2. This Yoga Asana helps in Building up emotional stability and
  3. Viparita Dandasana stimulates all the major glands – adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, and pineal glands
  4. Gently massages and strengthens the heart
  5. This Yoga Pose helps in preventing the arterial blockage
  6. This Yoga Asana Increases the lung capacity
  7. This Yoga Asana is useful to stretch the entire front body and thereby opens the chest.
  8. Viparita Dandasana helps to treat the symptoms of menopause
  9. This Yoga Pose helps to Relieve indigestion and flatulence
  10. Increases the flexibility of the spine
  11. Alleviates lower backaches
  12. The best Yoga pose to boost the self confidence
  13. This Yoga Pose helps in revitalizing the central nervous system
  14. Corrects a displaced bladder or prolapsed uterus
  15. Relieves menstrual pain and
  16. Viparita Dandasana is most helpful in Toning the internal organs.

Contraindications and Cautions

Do not practice this Yoga Pose if you have had the below listed medical conditions or if you are currently experiencing the symptoms related to these conditions

  • If you are suffering from Migraine, do not practice this asana
  • Avoid this yoga pose if you have stress-related headaches, eye strain, constipation, diarrhea, or insomnia.
  • Discontinue the asana if you feel dizzy.
  • If you are suffering from back pain, you must practice this yoga pose with a few twists before and after this pose.

How to do the Inverted Staff Yoga Pose – Step Wise Instructions


A Chair, A Bolster, A Blanket, A Mat, and a Towel.

  • The chair supports your back and increases the flexibility of the neck and shoulders.
  • Holding the chair’s legs expands the chest, relieving respiratory and heart ailments.
  • The bolster, with the blanket on top of it, supports the head.
  • This soothes the nerves, and regulates blood pressure.
  • The mat prevents the chair’s edge from cutting into your back.
  • The towel supports the lumbar spine.

Step 1

  • Place the bolster in front of the chair, with one end between the chair’s front legs.
  • Place a blanket on the bolster.
  • Drape the mat over the chair’s front edge and place the folded towel on the mat.
  • Step your feet through the back of the chair, and sit down.
  • If needed, tie a yoga belt round your legs to keep them together

Step 2

  • Hold the sides of the chair back and slide your hips toward the back of the chair until your buttocks rest on the back edge of the chair.
  • Exhale, and lift your chest, arching your entire back.
  • Lower your torso, ensuring that the folded towel supports your lumbar spine.

Step 3

  • Arch the back further.
  • Ensure that your lower back rests on the front edge of the seat.
  • Insert your hands, one at a time, through the chair to hold onto its back legs.
  • Place your crown on the bolster.
  • Do not press your head down on the bolster.
  • Keep it perpendicular to the floor, since tilting the head too far back strains the neck and throat.
  • Close your eyes. (Beginners must keep their eyes open to avoid disorientation.)
  • Straighten your legs to increase the stretch of your back.
  • Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds and, with practice, for 5 minutes

Variation 1

Feet on a Stool


A Chair, A Low Open Stool, A Rolled Towel, A Folded Blanket, A Mat, A Bolster, and a Yoga Belt.

The stool supports the feet. The belt keeps the legs together.

Specific Benefits

  • Relieves diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and indigestion.
  • Alleviates cervical spondylosis.
  • Reduces pain in the back, shoulders, and neck.

Getting into this Pose

  • Place a stool 2 ft (60 cm) from the chair.
  • Follow Step 1 of the main asana.
  • Place your legs on the stool, and follow Steps 2-3 of the main asana.

Variation 2

Feet against a Wall


  • A Wall, A Chair, A Rolled Towel, A Folded Blanket, and a Mat. The wall supports the feet and intensifies the final stretch.

Specific Benefits

  • Gives intensive extension to the abdomen and chest, increasing the arch of the spine.

Getting into this Pose

  • Place the chair about 2 ft (60 cm) from the wall.
  • Follow Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the main asana, but press your soles against the wall.
  • Stretch your legs, pushing the chair a little away from the wall, if necessary.

It’s important to approach Viparita Dandasana with caution and only attempt it if you have prior experience with backbends and are comfortable with deep spinal extension. This pose should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor to ensure proper alignment and safety.

Avoid practicing Viparita Dandasana if you have any spinal or neck injuries, high blood pressure, or other medical conditions that contraindicate deep backbends. Always listen to your body and modify or skip the pose if it causes pain or discomfort.

As with any advanced yoga posture, it’s essential to approach Viparita Dandasana with patience, respect for your body’s limitations, and a focus on proper alignment. Consult with a qualified yoga instructor for personalized guidance and adjustments specific to your practice.


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