Most common diseases associated with the X ray findings seen in the feet
What are the most common diseases associated with the following radiographic changes seen in the feet
- • Destructive arthritis of great-toe interphalangeal joint
- Chronic reactive arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Gout and RA, less commonly
- • Destructive arthritis at great-toe MTP joint
- RA
- Chronic gouty arthritis
- Chronic reactive and psoriatic arthritis, less commonly
- Primary OA if noninflammatory productive changes predominate
- • MTP joint erosive arthritis
- Chronic reactive or psoriatic if asymmetric distribution
- RA if symmetric distribution
- • Calcaneal spurs
- Traction spurs (noninflammatory)—blunted spur with well-corticated margin
- Seronegative spondyloarthropathies (inflammatory spurs)—pointed spur with poorly corticated margin and/or erosions