What are the most common diseases associated with the following radiographic changes seen in the spine
- • Vacuum disc sign
- Disc degeneration
- • Disc space calcification at multiple levels
- Ochronosis if patient is young (<30 years)
- CPPD and others
- • Sacroiliitis
- AS (usually symmetric sacroiliitis)
- Enteropathic arthritis (usually symmetric sacroiliitis)
- Chronic reactive arthritis (frequently asymmetric sacroiliitis)
- Psoriatic arthritis (frequently asymmetric sacroiliitis)
- Infection (unilateral sacroiliitis)
- DISH may demonstrate abnormality of the sacroiliac joints with large osteophytic sclerosis at the junction of upper 1/3 and lower 2/3 of sacroiliac joints
- • Syndesmophytes
- AS and enteropathic arthritis (thin, marginal bilateral syndesmophytes)
- Chronic reactive and psoriatic arthritis (large, nonmarginal, asymmetric syndesmophytes)
- • Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) —usually C3–C4. Can cause spinal stenosis. Frequently in Asian patients.