What's on this Page
- A rare premature aging syndrome characterized by atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue involving predominantly the distal parts of the extremities, resulting in prematurely aged appearance of the hand and feet.
- Another prominent feature is the characteristic facies with hollow cheeks, beaked nose, and owl-like eyes.
- Additional, non-dermatological manifestations, like bone anomalies have been described in some patients. Mode of inheritance has not been definitively established.
- Acrogeria, Gottron type
- Acrometageria
- Gottron syndrome
Age of Onset
- Childhood
- Infancy
What are the symptoms of Acrogeria?
Very Common Symptoms
- Abnormality of the skin
- Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin
- Fine hair
- Irregular hyperpigmentation
- Joint hyperflexibility
- Lipoatrophy
- Prematurely aged appearance
- Short stature
- Thin skin
Common Symptoms
- Convex nasal ridge
- Excessive wrinkled skin
- Intellectual disability
- Micrognathia
- Scoliosis
- Short foot
- Small hand
- Telangiectasia of the skin
Occasional Symptoms
- Skeletal dysplasia
- Skin ulcer