Most common diseases associated with X ray findings in the hands
What are the most common diseases associated with the following radiographic changes seen in the hands
- • Extensive arthritis of multiple DIP joints
- – Primary OA
- – Psoriatic arthritis
- – MRH
- • Thumb CMC joint arthritis
- – Primary OA
- • Index and long finger MCP joint arthritis
- – Hemochromatosis: hook-like osteophytes involving all the MCPs
- CPPD: involves primarily index and long finger MCPs.
- Acromegaly (initially widened joint spaces, later osteoarthritic changes)
- – RA or psoriatic arthritis if erosive changes
- • Arthritis mutilans of the hands (or feet)
- – Psoriatic arthritis
- – RA
- – Chronic gouty arthritis