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Cloistered syndrome
Cloistered syndrome (LIS) is a rare medical disease affecting the neurological system.
Features of Cloistered syndrome
- Sustained eye opening
- quadriplegia or quadriparesis
- anarthria
- preserved cognitive functions
- and a primary code of communication using vertical eye movements or blinking
Symptoms of Cloistered syndrome
Very Common Symptoms and Signs (80%-98%)
- Abnormality of the eye
- Abnormality of the voice
- Abnormality of vision
- Anarthria
- Behavioral abnormality
- Cerebral palsy
- Diplopia
- Hypertonia
- Respiratory insufficiency
- Spasticity
- Tetraparesis
- Tetraplegia
Common Symptoms and Signs (30%-79%)
- Excessive salivation
- Feeding difficulties
- Recurrent respiratory infections
Occasional Symptoms and Signs (5%-29%)
Hearing impairment