How is drug induced parkinsonism different from Parkinsons Disease

How is drug induced parkinsonism different from Parkinsons Disease

Is it possible to distinguish drug induced parkinsonism from Parkinsons Disease on clinical grounds? 

Drugs are one of the most common causes of parkinsonism in the general population.

Drugs that block postsynaptic dopamine receptors and/or deplete presynaptic dopamine may cause parkinsonism.

Clinical studies indicate that drug-induced parkinsonism is indistinguishable from Parkinsons Disease.

Discontinuation of the offending drug promotes remission of the syndrome in most cases, although sometimes the parkinsonism persists.

Such patients may have subclinical Parkinsons Disease and require dopaminergic therapy. DaTSCAN is a useful tool to differentiate between Parkinsons Disease and drug-induced parkinsonism. 


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