Does immunoglobulin a nephropathy recur after transplantation

Does immunoglobulin a nephropathy recur after transplantation?

Yes, but the spectrum of recurrence is wide.

This ranges from histologic recurrence (the presence of IgA on IF staining without features of active disease) to the full-blown clinical phenotype with manifestations similar to those present in the pretransplant immunoglobulin a nephropathy course.

The rate of recurrence in the literature is variable and has been reported from 10% to greater than 50% with extended follow-up.

However, graft loss from recurrent immunoglobulin a nephropathy is rare, typically less than 5% to 10%, at least within a decade of transplantation.

Because of this, transplantation, when feasible, remains the optimal form of RRT for patients with immunoglobulin a nephropathy.


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