What is the most common bacterial infection that leads to hospitalizations in kidney transplant patients Health / By Seekhealthz Editorial What is the most common bacterial infection that leads to hospitalizations in kidney transplant patients? UTIs. The most common bacterial cause is Escherichia coli . Related Posts How common are kidney stonesHow common are kidney stones? In industrialized countries, approximately 12% of men and 7% of… Common causes of death after kidney transplantationWhat are the most common causes of death after kidney transplantation? The most common cause… How common is acute kidney injuryHow common is acute kidney injury? Estimates of the incidence of acute kidney injury depend… How common is Chronic kidney diseaseHow common is Chronic kidney disease? The overall prevalence of all stages of Chronic kidney… Related Posts:Nail DisordersAngular CheilitisAnemia management with chronic kidney disease comorbidityMilk Alkali SyndromeFelty SyndromeGoodpasture Syndrome