Is polymyalgia rheumatica a paraneoplastic syndrome

Is polymyalgia rheumatica a paraneoplastic syndrome?

The discussion regarding the risk of malignancy in PMR has been debated. Contradictory findings have been reported in earlier studies. Mainly relying on large databases, some authors report that for the first 6 to 12 months after diagnosis of PMR, the malignancy risk is increased. A population-based cohort found no difference in the cumulative risk of cancer in patients with PMR after 10 years of follow-up (Muller, 2014). In those with atypical symptoms for PMR (poor response to steroids, asymmetric involvement, erythrocyte sedimentation rate >40, adenopathy), an appropriate malignancy work-up is recommended. For patients with typical PMR presentations, no malignancy work-up is required.


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