How are non ocular sicca symptoms in Sjogrens Syndrome treated

How are non ocular sicca symptoms in Sjogrens Syndrome treated

Vaginal dryness is treated with topical lubricants. Dry skin usually improves with lotions, creams, and emollients with urea/lactate. The complications of xerostomia are best prevented by regular dental visits and daily use of fluoridated toothpaste and/or mouthwash and flossing. Other approaches to relieving xerostomia include:

  • • Sugar-free (not just sugarless) or xylitol-containing gum, lozenges, or candies (Xylimelts) may stimulate salivary flow.
  • • Avoidance of oral irritants (alcohol, coffee, nicotine) and highly acidic beverages (cola; herbal tea) that lower oral pH and accelerate cavity formation.
  • • Regular water ingestion.
  • • Removal of nasal polyps to limit mouth breathing.
  • • Commercial products to relieve dry mouth include Mouth Kote spray, Biotene mouthwash, non-fluoride remineralization agents (NeutraSal), and saliva substitutes (Salivart, Xero-lube) as well as systemically administered secretagogues (pilocarpine, cevimeline).
  • • Oral candidiasis is best treated with oral application of nystatin elixir or clotrimazole troches. Topical drugs may be preferred because with significant salivary hypofunction, systemically administered antifungal drugs may not reach the mouth in therapeutically adequate amounts. Dentures must be removed while the mouth is being treated and may also need to be treated in order to prevent recurrence.

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