Does diet affect vestibular disorders?
For patients with Ménière’s disease use of a low-sodium diet may be therapeutic to reduce the buildup and fluctuating levels of endolymph that putatively causes Ménière’s disease.
Patients should be counseled not to add salt to their food and to avoid high-salt prepared foods. No evidence supports the use of dietary restrictions for any other vestibular disorders.
Migraine and hence vestibular migraine is often associated with dietary triggers that are specific to the individual.
Dietary management would include elimination of foods or chemical additives associated with precipitation of migraine.
Typical dietary management of migraine includes eliminating food additives (MSG, aspartame sweeteners), tyramine foods (red wine, beer, avocados, aged cheese, soy-based foods, processed meats, nuts, chocolate), and tannin foods (coffee, tea, chocolate, red wine, apple juice).