Advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of synovial biopsy

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of synovial biopsy

A comparison of synovial biopsy techniques is given below

Comparison of Synovial Biopsy Techniques

Needle biopsyLeast expensive
Least traumatic
One skin incision
Small biopsy specimens
Sampling error
Needle arthroscopic biopsyMinimally invasive
Direct visualization
Two skin incisions
Moderately expensive
Arthroscopic biopsyDirect visualization
Large biopsy specimen
Open surgical biopsyDirect visualization
Large biopsy specimen
Best if suspected tumor or foreign body
Can be done on any joint
Most invasive
Longest postoperative recovery time

An ultrasound-guided forceps biopsy has advantages/disadvantages similar to a needle biopsy but can indirectly visualize the best site to biopsy, which lessens sampling error.


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