Potential risk factors for the traditional NSAIDS associated gastrointestinal toxicity Drugs / By Seekhealthz Editorial What are the potential risk factors for the traditional NSAIDS associated gastrointestinal toxicity • Advancing age• Concomitant administration of corticosteroids• History of either ulcer disease or prior GI complications from NSAIDs Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Related Posts Risk factors for ciprofloxacin associated crystalline nephropathyWhat are risk factors for ciprofloxacin associated crystalline nephropathy? While AIN is the most common… Risk factors for the development of BK associated nephropathyWhat are the risk factors for the development of BK associated nephropathy? • Human leukocyte antigen… Risk factors associated with CKD progression in SCNWhat are the underlying pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and risk factors associated with… Risk factors associated with increased frequency of UTIWhat risk factors are associated with increased frequency of UTI? Healthy women and girls have… Related Posts:NSAID Associated GastritisGilbert SyndromeDEET ToxicityChemotherapy Induced Nausea and VomitingThallium Toxicity Junctional Rhythm