
Naphazoline Brand Names

AK-Con | Albalon | All Clear | All Clear AR | Napha Forte | Naphcon | Naphcon Forte | Ocu-Zoline | VasoClear

What is Naphazoline

Naphazoline is a topical vasoconstrictor.

Naphazoline is used as an ocular decongestant to relieve eye redness; the active ophthalmic bases (e.g., polyvinyl alcohol, glycerin and etc.) of these products usually provide additional lubrication and relief from eye dryness.  

This drug was approved by the FDA in 1942.

Some products are available without a prescription (i.e., OTC) in the United States.


  • conjunctival hyperemia

For use as a topical ocular vasoconstrictor in the treatment of conjunctival hyperemia

Side Effects

  1. blurred vision
  2. bradycardia
  3. coma
  4. dizziness
  5. drowsiness
  6. headache
  7. hyperglycemia
  8. hyperhidrosis
  9. hypertension
  10. hypotension
  11. hypothermia
  12. keratitis
  13. lacrimation
  14. lethargy
  15. mydriasis
  16. nausea
  17. ocular hypertension
  18. ocular irritation
  19. respiratory depression
  20. sinus tachycardia
  21. vomiting
  22. weakness

Hypertension and cardiac irregularities may occur after administration of naphazoline

Monitoring Parameters

  • laboratory monitoring not necessary


  • breast-feeding
  • cardiac disease
  • children
  • closed-angle glaucoma
  • contact lenses
  • diabetes mellitus
  • hypertension
  • hyperthyroidism
  • infants
  • MAOI therapy
  • neonates
  • ocular infection
  • ocular trauma
  • pregnancy


There are no drug interactions associated with Naphazoline products.


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