Ultrasound Appearance of Six Types of Early Pregnancy Complications

Types of early pregnancy complications, and describe their Ultrasound appearances

Ultrasound Appearance of Six Types of Early Pregnancy Complications

Threatened abortionVaginal bleeding with a closed cervical osRanges from live embryo to a small empty gestational sac to a normal empty uterus
Abortion in progressIntrauterine gestation in the process of being expelledIrregular gestational sac in the lower uterus/cervix ± a live embryo
Incomplete abortionIncomplete passage of gestational tissuesThickened endometrium ± fluid and debris, and areas of increased endometrial vascularity
Complete abortionExpulsion of all gestational tissuesNormal empty uterus which may be mildly vascular
Blighted ovumFailed or abnormal embryonic developmentEmpty gestational sac or sac with abnormal yolk sac and no embryo; any abnormal gestational sac development
Embryonic demiseLack of embryonic growth and absent expected cardiac activityEmbryo without cardiac activity

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