Umbilical cord hernia

3 Interesting Facts of Umbilical cord hernia

  1. Presents similar to a small omphalocele with a less than 4-cm defect covered by membrane during the neonatal period 
    • More prominent with Valsalva maneuver, crying, and coughing; herniated bowel is easily reducible
    • More common in black and premature neonates
  2. Findings to help distinguish from omphalocele include the following:
    • Umbilical cord hernia with herniation of bowel is rarely present at birth and usually becomes apparent in the first weeks of life; omphalocele is obvious at birth 
    • Umbilical cord hernia defect is covered by normal skin and subcutaneous tissue rather than omphalocele membrane (ie, amnion, Wharton jelly, peritoneum) 
    • Umbilical cord hernia defect contains only midgut and never other organs (eg, liver); omphalocele sac may contain other viscera 
    • Concomitant associated anomalies are common in neonates with small omphalocele and very rare in neonates with umbilical cord hernia 
  3. Differentiate based on clinical findings

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