Scales to quantify altered mental status

What scales are in use to quantify altered mental status? 

The level of consciousness of a neurologically impaired patient may initially be evaluated by using a simple AVPU scale, representing four major levels of alertness: alert (A), responsive to verbal stimuli (V), responsive to painful stimuli (P), and unresponsive (U). 

A more widely used measurement of consciousness is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Patients are graded on three areas of neurologic function: eye opening, motor responses, and verbal responsiveness. These numeric scores are added to determine the GCS score.

A GCS score of 3 is the minimum score possible and represents complete unresponsiveness, and a GCS score of 15 is assigned to fully alert patients. Details of the scores assigned are listed, for children above 2 years of age and below, in these tables

Glasgow Coma Scale

Score ValueEye OpeningBest Motor ResponseBest Verbal Response
6Obeys verbal command
5Localizes to painOriented, converses
4SpontaneousFlexion withdrawalDisoriented, converses
3To speechFlexion decorticateInappropriate words
2To painExtension decerebrateIncomprehensible sounds

Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (Use for Patients under 2 Years of Age)

Score ValueEye OpeningBest Motor ResponseBest Verbal Response
6Normal spontaneous movement
5Withdraws to touchCoos, babbles
4SpontaneousWithdraws to painIrritable, cries
3To speechAbnormal flexionCries to pain
2To painAbnormal extensionMoans to pain

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