Natural history of renal artery stenosis

What is the natural history of renal artery stenosis?

Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis often progresses anatomically (the degree of stenosis increases over time) and is associated with a high mortality.

Numerous studies have documented anatomic progression of atherosclerotic lesions over the course of a few years using various imaging methods. For example, in one study angiographic progression was observed in 11% of patients followed an average of approximately 2.5 years, whereas in another study anatomic progression was seen in 44% of a population followed for slightly longer than an average of 4 years.

Patients with fibromuscular dysplasia also may have angiographic progression of their renal artery lesions; 33% of patients with fibromuscular dysplasia in one cohort displayed anatomic progression over an average of about 4 years.


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