How to Use a Nebulizer

How to Use a Nebulizer

A nebulizer is a device that turns liquid medicine into a mist (vapor) that you can breathe in (inhale). You may need to use a nebulizer if you have a breathing illness, such as asthma or pneumonia.

There are different kinds of nebulizers. With some, you breathe in through a mouthpiece. With others, a mask fits over your nose and mouth.

Risks and complications

Using a nebulizer that does not fit right or is not cleaned right can lead to the following complications:

  • Infection.
  • Eye irritation.
  • Delivery of too much medicine or not enough medicine.
  • Mouth irritation.

How to prepare before using a nebulizer

Take these steps before using your nebulizer:

  1. Check your medicine. Make sure it has not expired and is not damaged in any way.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  3. Put all of the parts of your nebulizer on a sturdy, flat surface. Make sure all of the tubing is connected.
  4. Measure the liquid medicine according to instructions from your health care provider. Pour the liquid into the part of the nebulizer that holds the medicine (reservoir).
  5. Attach the mouthpiece or mask.
  6. Test the nebulizer by turning it on to make sure that a spray comes out. Then, turn it off.

How to use a nebulizer

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. If your nebulizer has a mask, put it over your nose and mouth. It should fit somewhat snugly, with no gaps around the nose or cheeks where medicine could escape. If you use a mouthpiece, put it in your mouth. Press your lips firmly around the mouthpiece.
  3. Turn on the nebulizer.
  4. Breathe out (exhale).
  5. Some nebulizers have a finger valve. If yours does, cover up the air hole so the air gets to the nebulizer.
  6. Once the medicine begins to mist out, take slow, deep breaths. If there is a finger valve, release it at the end of your breath.
  7. Continue taking slow, deep breaths until the medicine in the nebulizer is gone and no vapor appears.

Be sure to stop the machine at any time if you start coughing or if the medicine foams or bubbles.

How to clean a nebulizer

The nebulizer and all of its parts must be kept very clean. If the nebulizer and its parts are not cleaned properly, bacteria can grow inside of them. If you inhale the bacteria, you can get sick. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning your nebulizer. For most nebulizers, you should follow these guidelines:

  • Wash the nebulizer after each use. Use warm water and soap. Make sure to wash the mouthpiece or mask and the medicine area, but do not wash the tubing or mouthpiece.
  • After you wash the nebulizer, place its parts on a clean towel and let them dry completely. After they dry, reconnect the pieces and turn the nebulizer on without any medicine in it. Doing this will blow air through the equipment to help dry it out.
  • Store the nebulizer in a clean and dust-free place.
  • Check the filter at least one time every week. Replace it if it looks dirty.

Contact a health care provider if:

  • You continue to have trouble breathing.
  • You have trouble using the nebulizer.
  • Your breathing gets worse during a nebulizer treatment.
  • Your nebulizer stops working, foams, or does not create a mist after you add medicine and turn it on.

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