How are stone forming conditions treated

Which medications are used to treat various stone-forming conditions

Oral Drug Therapy for Renal Stones.

Absorptive type IHydrochlorothiazide
Potassium citrate
Cellulose sodium phosphate
Magnesium gluconate
Magnesium oxide
12.5–25 mg twice daily
10–30 mEq three times daily
5 g 1–3 times/day with meals
1–1.5 g twice daily
400 mg twice daily
Absorptive type IIHydrochlorothiazide12.5–25 mg twice daily
Renal phosphate leakNeutral sodium phosphate500 mg three times daily
RHHydrochlorothiazide12.5–25 mg twice daily
HypocitraturiaPotassium citrate10–30 mEq two to three times daily
HyperuricosuriaPotassium citrate
10–30 mEq two to three times daily100–300 mg/day
Enteric hyperoxaluriaPotassium citrate
Magnesium gluconate
Calcium citrate
Calcium carbonate
10–30 mEq three times daily
1–1.5 g twice daily
950 mg four times daily
250–500 mg four times daily
4 g three times daily
100 mg/day
CystinuriaPotassium citrate
10–30 mEq three times daily
100 mg 2–4 tablets three times daily
250–500 mg four times daily
50 mg once daily
Struvite stonesAcetohydroxamic acid250 mg 1–2 tablets three times daily
Antispasmodic therapyTamsulosin
Nifedipine ER
0.4 mg once daily
30 mg once daily

Note: All medications are given orally. Dosages are estimated ranges and not absolute recommendations. Each drug must be adjusted according to the patient’s tolerance. Use the lowest dosage necessary to attain the desired effect and avoid side effects. Always use drug therapy in addition to appropriate dietary changes and fluid input. Potassium citrate is better tolerated in lower dosages taken three times a day with meals. However, twice-daily dosing of extended-release potassium citrate may improve compliance. Potassium citrate is often required to correct thiazide-induced hypokalemia and hypocitraturia.


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