Does the site of infection or strain of streptococcal infection affect whether a patient will develop PSGN

Does the site of infection or strain of streptococcal infection affect whether a patient will develop PSGN?

Infections at any site in the body have the potential to cause PSGN. Since the original description of this disease appeared after an episode of streptococcal pharyngitis, most physicians primarily associate this site of infection with the development of PSGN; they may not be aware that skin infections, pneumonia, visceral abscesses, urinary tract infections, periodontitis, and endocarditis as a result of streptococcal infection can also lead to the same kidney lesion. The important point to keep in mind is that it is not the location of the streptococcal infection that is important, but rather infection with a specific nephritogenic strain.

Certain nephritogenic group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal strains cause kidney disease only after an upper respiratory infection, whereas other nephritogenic strains are exclusive to the development of glomerulonephritis after skin infections.


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