Characteristic Clinical Presentations Associated with Specific Types of Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

What characteristic clinical presentations are associated with specific types of functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors?

Characteristic Clinical Presentations Associated with Specific Types of Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

InsulinomaWhipple’s triad (fasting hypoglycemia, symptoms of hypoglycemia, and symptomatic relief with intravenous glucose administration)
GastrinomaZollinger-Ellison syndrome (severe gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD], severe peptic ulcer disease [PUD], diarrhea)
Glucagonoma4D syndrome ( d iabetes mellitus, d ermatitis, d eep venous thrombosis [DVT], d epression)
VIPomaWDHA syndrome ( w atery d iarrhea, h ypokalemia, a chlorhydria) (where VIP stands for vasoactive intestinal peptide)
SomatostatinomaInhibitory syndrome (diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance, cholelithiasis, weight loss, diarrhea ± steatorrhea, hypochlorhydria/achlorhydria)

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