Uricosuric medications

Uricosuric medications

Clinical Pharmacology of Probenecid

Mechanism of actionCompetitively inhibits URAT1 & GLUT9 → decreased tubular reabsorption urate → increased uricosuria
PharmacokineticsHepatic metabolism
Half-life 6–12 hours → BID dosing
Decreases serum uric acid by ∼33%
Adverse eventsPreventable
Acute gouty attacks: use prophylaxis
Urate nephropathy: obtain baseline urine tests
Urate nephrolithiasis: obtain baseline urine tests
Relatively common
Nausea, loss of appetite (10%)
Dermatitis (5%)
Headache, flushing
Rare but serious
Cytopenias, aplastic anemia
Stevens–Johnson syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome

Contraindications or cautions to use24-hour urine collection with >800 mg uric acid
History of uric acid nephrolithiasis
CrCl <= 50 mL/minute (lack of efficacy)
G6PD deficiency (risk of hemolytic anemia)
Avoid with salicylates
On Beers list of medications to avoid in elderly
No hepatic adjustment required

Drug interactionsIncreases the half-life of many meds
Probenecid increases serum concentration of many antibiotics, NSAIDs, dapsone, methotrexate, sulfonylureas, and heparin among others
Aspirin diminishes effectiveness of probenecid

CostWith drug discount cards: $60/month (1000 mg BID dosing)

BID, Twice a day; CrCl, creatinine clearance; G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

a Comparison of agents available in the United States; sulfinpyrazone and benzbromarone available outside the United States.


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