George Horace Lorimer Quotes

George Horace Lorimer Quotes

“But it isn’t enough to be all right in this world; you’ve got to look all right as well, because two-thirds of success is making people think you are all right.”

“I don’t know anything that’s quite so dead as a man who’s fallen three or four thousand feet off the edge of a cloud.”

“You’ll find that education’s about the only thing lying around loose in this world, and that it’s about the only thing a fellow can have as much of as he’s willing to haul away. Everything else is screwed down tight and the screw-driver lost.”

“friendship. I want to say right here that the easiest way in the world to make enemies”

“It has been my experience that, even when a man has a sense of humor, it only really carries him to the point where he will join in a laugh at the expense of the other fellow. There’s nothing in the world sicker-looking than the grin of the man who’s trying to join in heartily when the laugh’s on him, and to pretend that he likes it.  ”

“There’s nothing in the world sicker-looking than the grin of the man who’s trying to join in heartily when the laugh’s on him, and to pretend that he likes it.”

“It has been my experience that, even when a man has a sense of humor, it only really carries him to the point where he will join in a laugh at the expense of the other fellow.”

“Beauty is only skin deep, but that’s deep enough to satisfy any reasonable man.”

“Of course, clothes don’t make the man, but they make all of him except his hands and face during business hours, and that’s a pretty considerable area of the human animal. A dirty shirt may hide a pure heart, but it seldom covers a clean skin. If you look as if you had slept in our clothes, most men will jump to the conclusion that you have, and you will never get to know them well enough to explain that your head is so full of noble thoughts that you haven’t time to bother with the dandruff on your shoulders…Appearances are deceitful, I know, but so long as they are, there’s nothing like having them deceive for us instead of against us.”

“when you have been in business as long as I have you will be inclined to put a pretty high value on loyalty. It is the one commodity that hasn’t any market value, and it’s the one that you can’t pay too much for.”

“A business man’s conversation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than any other function of the human animal. They are:   Have something to say.   Say it.   Stop talking.”

“Consider carefully before you say a hard word to a man, but never let a chance to say a good one go by.”

“You can trust any number of men with your money, but mighty few with your reputation.”

“But some people, and especially very young people, don’t think anything’s worth believing unless it’s hard to believe.”

“There’s no easier way to cure foolishness than to give a man leave to be foolish. And the only way to show a fellow that he’s chosen the wrong business is to let him try it.”

“A good many young fellows envy their boss because they think he makes the rules and can do as he pleases. As a matter of fact, he’s the only man in the shop who can’t. He’s like the fellow on the tight-rope—there’s plenty of scenery under him and lots of room around him, but he’s got to keep his feet on the wire all the time and travel straight ahead.”

“If there’s one piece of knowledge that is of less use to a fellow than knowing when he’s beat, it’s knowing when he’s done just enough work to keep from being fired.”

“Some men learn all they know from books; others from life; both kinds are narrow. The first are all theory; the second are all practice. It’s the fellow who knows enough about practice to test his theories for blow-holes that gives the world a shove ahead, and finds a fair margin of profit in shoving it.”

“Worrying is the one game in which, if you guess right, you don’t get any satisfaction out of your smartness. A busy man has no time to bother with it.”

“Poverty never spoils a good man, but prosperity often does. It’s easy to stand hard times, because that’s the only thing you can do, but in good times the fool-killer has to do night work.”

“Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.”

“Some salesmen think that selling is like eating—to satisfy an existing appetite; but a good salesman is like a good cook—he can create an appetite when the buyer isn’t hungry.”

“What we’re really sending you to Harvard for is to get a little of the educations that’s so good and plenty there. When it’s passed around you don’t want to be bashful, but reach right out and take a big helping every time, for I want you to get your share. You;ll find that education’s about the only thing lying around loose in this world, and that it’s about the only things a fellow can have as much of as he’s willing to haul away.”

“Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible.”

“Tact is the knack of keeping quiet at the right time; of being so agreeable yourself that no one can be disagreeable to you; of making inferiority feel like equality. A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung.”

“I want to say right here that the easiest way in the world to make enemies is to hire friends.”

“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”

“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”


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