Psychiatric disorders with the highest risk for suicide completion

Psychiatric disorders with the highest risk for suicide completion

What psychiatric diagnoses carry the highest risk for suicide completion? What about suicide attempts and suicidal gestures? What about neurologic disorders? 

  • The suicide completion rates are highest for depression (∼15%) and schizophrenia (∼10%).
  • The presence of anxiety, mixed-manic state, or eating disorder (especially anorexia nervosa) elevates the risk.
  • Persons with borderline personality disorder frequently engage in “parasuicidal gestures” and are also at high risk for suicide completion (4 to 10%).
  • Suicide is common in Huntington’s disease (8% to 20%) and may be predicted in at-risk individuals with soft neurologic signs.
  • Suicide risk is also increased for neurocognitive disorders (delirium and dementia), stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis (up to 7×), and epilepsy (∼5×)—especially temporal lobe epilepsy and complex partial seizures (up to 25×).


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