Symptoms of acute phase of Kawasaki Disease

Symptoms of acute phase of Kawasaki Disease

What other clinical symptoms or conditions may be seen in the acute phase of the illness of Kawasaki Disease?

• Musculoskeletal: arthritis or arthralgia may involve large and/or small joints (7.5%–25%). Usually short-lived. Synovial fluid WBC count can be >100,000/mm .

• Cardiovascular: myocarditis, pericarditis, shock, aneurysms of medium-sized arteries (20%–25%), aortic root enlargement.

• Ocular: anterior uveitis (80%).

• Respiratory: cough (30%), hoarseness.

• Gastrointestinal: vomiting and diarrhea with abdominal pain (40%–60%), pancreatitis, hepatitis (30%–40%), gallbladder hydrops.

• Genitourinary: urethritis, sterile pyuria.

• Nervous system: extreme irritability (50%), aseptic meningitis, facial nerve palsy, sensorineural hearing loss (<1%).

• Skin: inflammation at previous BCG immunization site (characteristic).

• Others: macrophage activation syndrome (MAS).


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