Standard diagnostic imaging study for bowel malrotation

Standard diagnostic imaging study for bowel malrotation

Which imaging study is the standard for diagnosing bowel malrotation?

The upper gastrointestinal (UGI) examination is the standard for diagnosing malrotation. To confirm normal rotation of the bowel, the ligament of Treitz, which attaches the third and fourth parts of the duodenum, must be visualized to the left of midline. If there is malrotation, the ligament of Treitz may be located to the right of midline or in the midline. Often, there is also inversion of the relationship of the superior mesenteric artery and vein, which can be visualized on computed tomography (CT) or US. Some radiologists believe that this diagnosis can be made confidently utilizing US, but the overwhelming majority still regard the UGI as the standard.


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