Roles of platelet derived growth factor and transforming growth factor beta in wound healing

What roles do platelet derived growth factor and transforming growth factor beta play in wound healing?

  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is released initially by platelets in the inflammatory phase during the formation of the initial thrombus.
  • It is an important chemoattractant and activator of macrophages, which arrive to orchestrate wound healing.
  • These macrophages then secrete additional growth factors that include more PDGF.
  • These growth factors attract, recruit, and activate additional macrophages.
  • Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is released by macrophages and platelets.
  • It is a potent chemoattractant and activator of fibroblasts, stimulating them to form collagen.
  • TGF-β is the major growth factor involved in collagen synthesis.

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