Provisional Diagnosis

What is Provisional Diagnosis

You have been seen today, and your health care provider suspects that you have the following condition:____________________

Before a final diagnosis is made, your test results may need to be considered. There is also a chance that your tests will need to be repeated. A check box has been marked next to each of the following items that applies to you:

_____ X-rays were taken today and will be read by a radiologist. The official report will be available to your health care provider in 1–2 days. If there is a difference between the initial results of your X-ray and the radiologist’s report, we will call you.

_____ Lab work was done today and should be processed within 24 hours. Contact your health care provider in 1 day for your results.

_____ Cultures were done today. It generally takes at least 2 days for results to be available. Contact your health care provider in 2–3 days for your results.

_____ You had one or more procedures done today, and the results will not be available for ________ days. Contact your health care provider in ________ days for your results.

If the hospital or lab is going to call you, make sure to give them a phone number where you can be called and a time when you will be available at that number. If you are going to call the hospital or lab, find out what number to call and the recommended time for you to call.


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