Possible complications resulting from percutaneous drainage of renal or perinephric abscesses

What are the possible complications resulting from percutaneous drainage of renal or perinephric abscesses?

Percutaneous drainage is a safe and effective technique that can be used in the management of an abscess. Complications may still occur, however. When collections adjacent to or within the kidney are being drained, some infected material may intravasate into the vascular system, resulting in bacteremia or sepsis. It is important to administer intravenous antibiotics before and after drain placement. Drains placed within the kidney may accidentally traverse a blood vessel. Bleeding can be inconsequential and resolve spontaneously; may result in hematuria, if bleeding tracks into the collecting system; or may lead to a perinephric hematoma, if the hemorrhage tracks around the kidney. Rarely, adjacent organs may be inadvertently punctured during catheter placement.


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