Ova and Parasite Stool Test

Ova and Parasite Stool Test-Why am I having this test?

The ova and parasite stool test is an exam of your stool (feces) to check for signs of a parasite infection. This test may also be called a stool for ova and parasites test, or stool for O&P test. You may have this test if:

  • You have symptoms that may be caused by a parasite infection, such as:
    • Diarrhea, especially if there is blood or mucus in your stool.
    • Abdominal cramping or pain.
    • Excessive gas (flatus).
    • Nausea.
  • You have recently done something that raises the risk of parasitic infection, such as:
    • Traveling internationally.
    • Taking antibiotics for a long time.
    • Drinking water from a well, creek, or river.

The most common parasites that may cause an infection include:

  • Giardia intestinalis.
  • Hookworm (Ascaris species).
  • Tapeworm (Strongyloides species).
  • Cryptosporidium.

What is being tested?

This test checks your stool for the presence of a parasite or eggs (ova) from a parasite.

What kind of sample is taken?

A stool sample is required for this test.

How do I collect samples at home?

When collecting a stool sample at home, make sure you:

  • Use supplies and instructions that you received from the lab.
  • Have a bowel movement directly into a clean, dry container. Do not collect stool from the water in the toilet.
  • Transfer the sample into the germ-free (sterile) cup that you received from the lab.
  • Do not let any toilet paper or urine get into the cup.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after collecting the sample.
  • Return the sample to the lab as instructed.

Tell a health care provider about:

  • Any allergies you have.
  • All medicines you are taking, including vitamins, herbs, eye drops, creams, and over-the-counter medicines.
  • Any surgeries you have had.
  • Any medical conditions you have.
  • Whether you are pregnant or may be pregnant.

How are the results reported?

Your test results will be reported as either positive or negative for ova or parasites in your stool.

What do the results mean?

A negative result means that you have no ova or parasites in your stool, which is normal.

A positive result means that you have ova, parasites, or both in your stool. This means that you have a parasite infection in your stomach or intestines (gastrointestinal tract, GI tract). The test results will specify which type of parasite is present.

Talk with your health care provider about what your results mean.

Questions to ask your health care provider

Ask your health care provider, or the department that is doing the test:

  • When will my results be ready?
  • How will I get my results?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What other tests do I need?
  • What are my next steps?


  • The ova and parasite stool test is an exam of your stool (feces) to check for signs of a parasite infection.
  • A negative result means that you have no ova or parasites in your stool, which is normal.
  • A positive result means that you have ova, parasites, or both in your stool.

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