Nerve Abnormalities and Possible Differential Diagnoses

Nerve Abnormalities and Possible Differential Diagnoses

What are the nerve abnormalities which can be differentiated by EMG/NCS from common peripheral nerve syndromes

Peripheral Nerve SyndromeDifferential Diagnosis
Carpal tunnel syndromeC6 to C7 radiculopathy
Other areas of median nerve entrapment
Ulnar entrapment at the elbowC8 radiculopathy
Brachial plexus lesion
Radial nerve palsyC7 radiculopathy
Suprascapular nerve lesionC5 to C6 radiculopathy
Peroneal nerve palsyL4 to L5 radiculopathy
Femoral nerve lesionL3 to L4 radiculopathy

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