
What is Myoclonus

Myoclonus is the sudden and quick movement of the muscles. It may include muscle jerks, twitches, or spasms that happen without a person’s control (involuntary).

There are different types of myoclonus. One type, called physiologic myoclonus, occurs normally in most people and rarely needs treatment. This type includes:

  • Hiccups.
  • Sleep starts, or twitching during sleep.

Other types are caused by an underlying condition and may require treatment.

What are the causes?

The cause of this condition varies depending on the type of myoclonus. Physiologic myoclonus, such as hiccups, results from normal actions of the body. Other causes include:

  • Genetic condition or disease. This causes a type of myoclonus called essential myoclonus.
  • Epilepsy with seizures. This causes epileptic myoclonus.
  • Other underlying conditions cause secondary or symptomatic myoclonus. These include:
    • Side effects of certain medicines.
    • Metabolic conditions.
    • Head, brain, or spinal injuries.
    • Stroke.
    • Nervous system conditions such as dementia, Parkinson disease, and Alzheimer disease.
    • Infections.
    • Poisoning.
    • Brain tumors.
    • Not having enough oxygen.

What are the signs or symptoms?

The main symptom of this condition is sudden spasms, jerking, or uncontrollable movements. Symptoms:

  • May occur in only one area of the body or over the entire body.
  • May come and go and may vary in intensity.
  • May make it hard for you to eat, speak, or walk.

How is this diagnosed?

This condition is diagnosed based on your medical history, a review of your symptoms, and a physical exam.

You may also have tests, including:

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG). This test checks the electrical activity of the brain.
  • Electromyogram (EMG). This test measures electrical activity in the muscles.
  • Imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan.
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to check spinal fluid for infection or inflammation.
  • Blood tests.
  • Urine tests.

How is this treated?

Treatment for this condition depends on the underlying condition and the severity of your symptoms. Treatment may include:

  • Medicines, such as tranquilizer and anti-seizure medicines.
  • Injections of botulinum toxins.
  • Treating the underlying cause, such as having a tumor removed or taking antibiotic medicine for an infection.

Physiologic myoclonus does not require treatment.

Follow these instructions at home:

  • Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
  • If you are taking tranquilizer or anti-seizure medicines, do not drive or use heavy machinery until your body adjusts to the medicine. These medicines may cause drowsiness.
  • Keep a journal of your symptoms and the things that seem to trigger them or make them worse. Also, try to identity the things that make them better. Share this information with your health care provider.
  • Keep all follow-up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important.

Contact a health care provider if:

  • You have severe pain and medicines do not help.
  • You have problems taking your medicines.
  • Your twitches, jerks, or spasms get worse.

Get help right away if:

  • You have a seizure.
  • You have a reaction to your medicines, such as a rash, trouble breathing, or swelling.
  • You have trouble staying alert.


  • Myoclonus is the sudden and quick movement of the muscles. It may include muscle jerks, twitches, or spasms that happen without a person’s control (involuntary).
  • There are different types of myoclonus. Physiologic myoclonus occurs normally in most people and rarely needs treatment. Other types of myoclonus are caused by an underlying condition.
  • Treatment for this condition depends on the underlying condition and the severity of your symptoms.
  • If you are taking tranquilizer or anti-seizure medicines, do not drive or use heavy machinery until your body adjusts to the medicine. These medicines may cause drowsiness.

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