How is complicated UTI prevented

How is complicated UTI including catheter acquired UTI prevented?

The most important intervention to prevent complicated UTI is to characterize and correct the underlying genitourinary abnormality. If the underlying abnormality persists, such as in a patient with spinal cord injury, the goal of management is to optimize voiding and to limit the use of indwelling devices wherever possible. Prophylactic antimicrobial therapy is not effective to prevent recurrence, as there is usually rapid reinfection with resistant organisms. Cranberry products are also not effective in preventing reinfection.

The most important intervention to prevent catheter-acquired urinary infection is to avoid catheter use. These devices should be used only when essential, and catheters must be removed promptly once no longer needed. Optimal practices for catheter care and maintenance should be followed. Replacement of a chronic indwelling catheter immediately prior to initiating antimicrobial therapy decreases the frequency of early posttherapy symptomatic relapse and leads to more rapid defervescence.


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