How can changes in absorption resulting from CKD alter the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs

How can changes in absorption resulting from CKD alter the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs?

• Alkaline saliva. As CKD progresses, saliva becomes more alkaline. This compromises absorption of drugs that need an acid milieu (e.g., iron supplements) and contributes to a higher gastric pH.

• Nausea and vomiting may reduce drug ingestion and absorption.

• Volume overload states: Edema of the gastrointestinal tract limits absorption.

• Drug interactions: Many drugs used in the management of CKD limit drug absorption by forming nonabsorbable complexes (e.g., iron, phosphate-binding agents).

• Gastrointestinal neuropathy: Uremia may delay gastric emptying time, particularly in patients with diabetes.


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