EULAR ACR classification criteria for Polymyalgia Rheumatica

EULAR ACR classification criteria for Polymyalgia Rheumatica

European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)/American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria for PMR?

Unfortunately PMR is still a diagnosis of exclusion and is based on the patient’s clinical presentation and elevated inflammatory markers.

Recently, experts from the ACR and EULAR have established provisional classification criteria by using a point system to help in research studies. All patients were required to have the first three criteria:

  • a. Age ≥50 years.
  • b. Bilateral shoulder discomfort.
  • c. Abnormal ESR or CRP.

The point system applies to the presence of morning stiffness (2 points), hip pain (1 point), absence of RF/ACPA (2 points), and absence of other joint pain (1 point).

The diagnostic accuracy of the required three criteria plus at least 4 points of the scored criteria yielded a sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 78%. Addition of shoulder ultrasound looking for bursitis only marginally increases the diagnostic accuracy.


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