What is the difference between a G tube G-J tube and J tube?
A simple rule to follow in selecting an enteral access site is to use the stomach whenever possible. Direct gastrostomy (G) tubes are safe and easy to use. The stomach performs important digestive functions, and gastric access allows patients to receive bolus feeds. Jejunal access (via jejunostomy [J] tube) necessitates continuous feeds, which are not as well tolerated. The needs of most patients can be met with G tubes.
• G tubes are placed directly into the stomach and can be used for feeding or gastric decompression
• Gastrojejunostomy tubes (G-J tubes) enter the stomach similar to a G tube but pass through the stomach and duodenum and terminate in the proximal jejunum. G-J tubes are technically simpler to place than J tubes and are associated with a lower procedural risk (remember, use the stomach, even for access, whenever possible). G-J tubes may have a single port that enters the small bowel. In patients with gastric outlet obstruction, G-J tubes with two ports may be used. One port is used to decompress the stomach, and the other is used to administer feeds. In addition, a previously placed G tube can be converted to a G-J tube.
• J tubes enter the small bowel directly. They may be used for feedings or for palliative decompression when placed above a site of obstruction.