Cost effective evaluation to rule out causes of low bone mass

Cost effective evaluation to rule out causes of low bone mass

  • Calcium (albumin), phosphorous, creatinine, CO .
  • Alkaline phosphatase.
  • 25-hydroxy (OH) vitamin D.
  • Testosterone (men).
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (if clinically hyperthyroid).
  • Celiac disease antibody testing (if Caucasian with symptoms or low 25-OH vitamin D level).
  • Urine (24 hours) calcium, sodium, creatinine.
  • Serum protein electrophoresis (if aged >50 years with abnormal complete blood count).

Pearl: A patient needs a calcium (corrected for albumin level) x phosphorous product of 24 to properly mineralize bone.

Approximately one-third of women and two-thirds of men will have an abnormality detected with this evaluation. Therefore, this cost effective evaluation is recommended in all patients with osteoporosis. A low Z-score suggests that an underlying secondary cause is even more likely to be present.


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