Can Barretts esophagus regress after antireflux therapy

Can Barretts esophagus regress after antireflux therapy? 

Recent publications have suggested that curtailing reflux may decrease the tendency of GERD patients without Barrett’s epithelium to develop Barrett’s esophagus. In addition, reflux control may diminish the tendency toward dysplastic or malignant degeneration of existing Barrett’s epithelium. That can be accomplished by either medical or surgical management, with the latter shown to be more effective. This effect is manifested by:

  • • Inducing actual regression of dysplastic to nondysplastic Barrett’s epithelium
  • • Stabilizing the Barrett’s epithelium in a nondysplastic state
  • • Allowing a return to normal squamous epithelium

The majority of regression occurs within 5 years after surgery.


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