Best treatment for motor deficits in Multiple Sclerosis

What is the best treatment for motor deficits in Multiple Sclerosis? 

Unfortunately, little can be done to restore muscle strength.

However, spasticity often improves with the use of baclofen (Lioresal) in doses of 60 mg/day (20 mg 3 times/day) or more.

Tizanidine (Zanaflex), given up to 8 mg 4 times/day, produces similarly potent muscle relaxation.

Benzodiazepines are sometimes useful antispasticity agents, especially at night when their sedating effects are less problematic.

For example, clonazepam (Klonopin) may help in a dose of 0.5 mg once or twice daily.

Physical therapy can also minimize spasticity.

Therapy for cerebellar motor deficits is frustrating—these are among the most difficult symptoms to alleviate.

Sometimes simple mechanical measures are helpful, such as attaching weights to the ankles or wrists.


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