Best approaches for therapy in an SLE patient with arthritis who has no evidence of internal organ involvement

What are the best approaches for therapy in an SLE patient with arthritis who has no evidence of internal organ involvement?

• The first line of therapy is nonseteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Cycloxoygenase-2 specific inhibitors may be used but may contribute to thrombotic risk in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies.

• Celecoxib is sulfa based and may lead to rashes as many patients with SLE react to sulfa-based therapies. Consider meloxicam or etodolac. Avoid ibuprofen if possible due to risk of causing aseptic meningitis.

• Antimalarial drugs can provide remarkable benefit including decreased risk of flares and decreased risk of developing end-organ damage.

• Other therapies: methotrexate, leflunomide, AZA, MMF


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