Bacterial labyrinthitis

Bacterial labyrinthitis

  • Inflammation of the inner ear caused by bacteria typically spread from otitis media or meningitis
  • Presents with vertigo and symptoms specific to the source
    • Otitis media: ear pain
    • Meningitis: severe febrile illness, headache, and stiff neck
  • Differentiated by concomitant findings identifying the source
    • Otitis media presenting with ear pain and otoscopic finding of pus in the middle ear
    • Bacterial meningitis characterized by purulent spinal fluid with supporting evidence of bacterial pathogen (eg, polymerase chain reaction, Gram stain, culture)
    • If diagnosis is not evident based on clinical indicators, MRI performed to investigate unilateral hearing loss and vertigo will show partial or complete occlusion of lumen of the affected labyrinth and loss of signal intensity associated with fluid contents

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