What drugs have been associated with causing drug induced SCLE

What drugs have been associated with causing drug induced SCLE?

Hydrochlorothiazide, calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, terbinafine, anti-TNFα agents, statins, leflunomide, diclofenac, bupropion, and various agents to treat malignancies (e.g., docetaxel, hydroxyurea, anti-PD-L1 inhibitors, and others) are among the drugs that have been reported to cause SCLE. In addition to having a positive ANA, these patients frequently also have a positive anti-SSA (Ro) antibody, and thus more closely resemble idiopathic SCLE. However, the cutaneous eruption in drug-induced SCLE is more widespread in distribution and may be bullous or vasculitic. In addition, the anti-SSA(Ro) antibody will disappear in 75% of patients with drug-induced SCLE after the drug is stopped and the rash is resolved. With the widespread use of many of these medications, drug-induced SCLE is becoming increasingly common and should be considered in any patient taking one of these medications, particularly if they develop SCLE after the age of 50 years .


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