
Fluorescein Brand Names

AK-Fluor | Fluorescite | Fluorets | Fluor-I-Strip | Fluor-I-Strip A.T. | Ful-Glo | Ophthalmicflur

What is Fluorescein

Fluorescein is a fluorescent, water-soluble, dibasic xanthine dye used topically or systemically as a diagnostic aid.

The molecule produces an intense green fluorescent color which is used to visualize the anterior surface of the eye following topical application and to examine the retinal and choroidal circulation following systemic use, with fluorescein angiography (FA). Multi-dose dropper bottles of fluorescein ophthalmic solution have become contaminated with Pseudomonas and Proteus: thus, fluorescein impregnated ophthalmic strips are preferred by many practitioners.

FA may be useful in the diagnosis and disease progression monitoring of macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and other retinal, and to a lesser degree, choroidal vascular diseases.

FA is not a substitute for a full ophthalmologic examination and, although rare, carries risk of significant anaphylactoid reactions.

An intradermally administered test dose of fluorescein may identify patients with drug-induced hypersensitivity; however, not all sensitive individuals will react to this test.

Use fluorescein injection only when the procedure is essential.

Although not FDA approved for other indications, specialist have used this dye to test tissue perfusion following the placement of a skin flap and to visualize an intracranial tumor during neurosurgery.

This drug was originally approved by the FDA in 1976.


  1. contact lens fitting
  2. eye trauma diagnosis
  3. lacrimal drainage diagnosis
  4. ophthalmic surgery
  5. radiographic examination

For radiographic examination (i.e., diagnostic angiography or angioscopy) of the retina and iris vasculature

Side Effects

  1. anaphylactoid reactions
  2. back pain
  3. bronchospasm
  4. cardiac arrest
  5. chills
  6. contact lens discoloration
  7. dizziness
  8. dysgeusia
  9. fever
  10. flushing
  11. headache
  12. hypotension
  13. injection site reaction
  14. laryngeal edema
  15. malaise
  16. metallic taste
  17. musculoskeletal pain
  18. nausea
  19. neuritis
  20. phlebitis
  21. photosensitivity
  22. rash
  23. seizures
  24. skin discoloration
  25. sneezing
  26. syncope
  27. urine discoloration
  28. urticaria
  29. vomiting

Monitoring Parameters

  • ophthalmologic exam
  • serum creatinine/BUN


  • asthma
  • breast-feeding
  • cardiac disease
  • contact lenses
  • dialysis
  • eczema
  • extravasation
  • intraarterial administration
  • intramuscular administration
  • intrathecal administration
  • myocardial infarction
  • pregnancy
  • renal impairment
  • stroke
  • urticaria


  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
  • Benzalkonium Chloride
  • Beta-blockers

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